urban planning project in aksaray

urban planning project in aksaray
urban planning project in aksaray
urban planning project in aksaray
urban planning project in aksaray
urban planning project in aksaray
urban planning project in aksaray
urban planning project in aksaray
urban planning project in aksaray
urban planning project in aksaray
urban planning project in aksaray
aksaray municipality
aksaray, turkey
used area: 
76.000 + 13.500 m²
project date: 
2003 - 2006
contruction date: 
2006 -
Urban Area          76.000 m²
Building Area       13.500 m² 
Aksaray is located on a mound (höyük) stands for centuries as settlement of many historic civilizations in the junction of central Anatolian transportation network. Central part of the city has many architectural monuments and industrial heritage including flour factory, grand mosque, hammam, madrasah, and old houses. The primary aim of the Urban Re-development Project is to revitalize the central core and re-incorporate it as a vibrant, living, social and economic part of the city while remaining faithful to the urban fabric and adhering to high design quality of public open spaces. Conserving the major monuments and architectural landmarks in the centre and integrating them with the (re)design of public open and green spaces, -streets, squares, promenades, and parks- aims to recreate a sensitive urbanistic and architectural language that reinterpretes local traditions in contemporary technology and materials to meet the contemporary needs of the citizens in a most effective manner
